To continue our recent theme of unusual baccarat strategy, in this guide we introduce you to another rare system—the Baccarat Attack Strategy!
Our previous blog covered the Silver Tiger strategy, which is a secret system designed by a Chinese mathematics mastermind. But we could only reveal part of the strategy, as somehow the distrubuters behind the system have kept it under wraps, and to get your hands on the sequence, you need to purchase a PDF!
On the other hand, the Baccarat Attack Strategy created by Greg Fletcher also has a PDF which is 163 pages, but it is free and readily available online!
Unlike the Silver Tiger system, the ‘Attack Strategy’ already has numerous publications across the Web giving us the ‘Baccarat Attack Strategy Explained in Full’ while its popularity is perhaps on an equal par with the Silver Tiger system.
FYI: Rarely seen baccarat systems for further reading:
- Dragon Bonus Strategy
- Silver Tiger Strategy
- Tie Bet Strategy – coming soon
- Golden eagle baccarat strategy – coming soon
In this Baccarat Attack Strategy guide, we will look at how this rare but increasingly popular system works on the tables.
How The Baccarat Attack System Works
The best way to understand how the ‘Attack System’ works is to understand the ‘Martingale’ and ‘Reverse Martingale’ systems. If you know these 2 systems, you will already have a decent understanding of how ‘negative’ Vs ‘positive’ progression betting systems differ.
Martingale Strategy: First, set the value of a single chip denomination, and then begin with a 1 chip bet. Next, double your chips each time you lose. Finally, when you win, return to your original 1 chip bet. The Reverse Martingale is the exact opposite. Increase your bets after every win!
To implement the ‘Attack Strategy’ you will use 4 betting phases. In each phase, you will increase your bet amount. Now the key to this strategy is to quit while you’re ahead. As the nature of this system is to always increase your bets, you will need to find the right time to quit.
Now, to add a bombshell to the strategy, you will need to swap between ‘Banker’ and ‘Player’ bets after every round. This may sound confusing at first, but all we are doing is swapping sides after every deal, while your bet sizing strategy is separate and remains the same.
Pro Strategy: Check out our baccarat strategy blog or take a look at a more detailed explanation how players use the Martingale on roulette even-odd, red-black, or high-low bet which pay 1-1 odds on winning bets. As ‘Player’ or ‘Banker’ bets also pay 1-1, the Martingale strategy switches between both table games!
Quick Facts
- Derives from the Martingale Strategy
- Used to maximise ‘Winning Streaks’
- A strategy you have control over
- 4-bet types available
- Swap from ‘Banker’ to ‘Player’
The 4-Bet Types Explained
In this strategy there are 4 bet types to master. These are starter, trigger, attack, and retrenchment bets. We explain a watered-down version of each phase below.
Starter: Much like the Martingale strategy, this is your starting bet amount. Pick a chip denomination and stick to it. For instance, if you play a table with min bet of 1 mBTC, then you could designate this amount as your starter bet.
- The ‘Starter’ bet is your point of return after the ‘Attack’ or ‘Retrenchment’ phases
Trigger: This bet comes into action after your ‘Starter Bet’ regardless of a win/loss. This is easy. The amount is double your ‘Starter Bet’. Therefore, if your ‘Starter’ bet is 1 mBTC, your ‘Trigger’ bet is 2 mBTC.
- Only use the ‘Trigger’ bet after the ‘Starter’ bet is complete
Attack: If the ‘Trigger Bet’ is successful, i.e., you win, you switch to ‘Attack’ bets which use a positive progression betting system. Your ‘Attack’ betting will require you to cut your ‘Trigger Bet’ in half after it wins.
Subsequently, you will increase your bet amount after each win. It is remarkably similar to the ‘Reverse Martingale’ with the main difference being that you are not doubling your bet during the positive progressions.
Note: The idea of the ‘Attack ’phase is to bet less than the amount you won on the previous bet. This is a clever way to bet because it means when you inevitably lose a hand after a winning streak, the system protects your winnings from the win streak!
- When you lose in ‘Attack’, return to the ‘Trigger’ bet phase
Retrenchment: If you lose your ‘Trigger Bet’, the next step is to move into a ‘Retrenchment’ betting phase, which is a defensive strategy designed to recuperate your ‘Trigger Bet’ loss. You can achieve this using a negative progression strategy that increases your bets as you lose. Now this style of betting resembles the standard ‘Martingale’ strategy in some respects.
However, the key difference is that instead of resetting to your first bet amount after a win, the ‘Retrenchment’ requires you to step down to the previous bet, and continue until your session in the green.
- When you move into a profit in ‘Retrenchment’, you return to the ‘Trigger’ bet phase
Bet Swapping: Just to reiterate a point we made in the previous section. This strategy requires you to endlessly swap your bet from ‘Player’ to ‘Banker’ after every round!
If you study this strategy deeper, the idea is to choose your moments according to how the game progresses. You will learn when to reduce and increase your bets by reading Greg Fletcher’s 163-page PDF.
Quick Facts
- Starter, trigger, attack, & retrenchment phases
- Starter bet switches to ‘Trigger’ win or lose
- ‘Trigger’ bet wins = switch to ‘Attack’
- In ‘Attack’ a win = increase by ‘Starter’ bet amount
- ‘Trigger’ bet loses = switch to ‘Retrenchment’
- In ‘Retrenchment’ add previous bet + ‘Trigger Bet’
- A loss during ‘Attack’ = return to ‘Trigger Bet’
- A profit during ‘Retrenchment’ = return to ‘Trigger Bet’
Attack Betting Explained
Below we use a table directly from Greg Fletcher’s PDF showing how the Attack Betting Strategy works in action. Naturally after the ‘Trigger Bet’ we switch to the ‘Attack’ phase and for ‘Bet 2’ we cut the ‘Tigger Bet’ in half.
As you can see from the table, subsequent bet amounts are quite random. They increase using a set system that protects your winnings from the previous bet. I.e., after the 2nd bet of €5 the size only increases by €3 up to €8. Then it increases by just €2 for the 4th bet up to €10.
This table shows a 9-winning streak, and at each stage, if you subtract the amount you bet from the previous winning amount, it shows that even if you lose; you remain in profit.
For example, after ‘Bet 3’ we are now €15 in profit. For ‘Bet 4’ we are only using €8 from our winnings, and if we lose, our winnings are protected because we are still €7 in the green. You can make the same subtraction at any stage of the betting sequence, and a loss will always result in a profit in the long run.
Here is that sequence: 5-8-10-13-16-20-25-30. The ‘Tigger Bet’ was 10 units, and assuming the Trigger bet won, you would then halve it to 5 units giving us the beginning of the betting string!
Quick Facts
- There is a non-aggressive positive progression sequence
- Losing a bet still results in a profit
- The ‘Attack’ sequence helps to protect win streak winnings
Retrenchment Betting Explained
To explain the ‘Retrenchment’ portion of this system, we also use the table directly from Greg Fletcher’s PDF. It seems the best way to get the point across and gives you the information straight from the horse’s mouth. In the table below, it assumes the ‘Starter Bet’ is €5. Therefore, the ‘Tigger Bet’ is €10 as this bet is always double the ‘Starter Bet’.
In true form, the ‘Trigger Bet’ loses prompting the ‘Retrenchment’ phase of the Baccarat Attack Strategy. As the ‘Trigger Bet’ is €10, the betting string used for the below set of 9 bets is 10-15-25-40-65-100-150. If you prefer lower or higher stakes, you can adjust this string according to your ‘Starter Bet’ using basic mathematics.
This is quite a simple process to follow if you play online. However, if you play this strategy at a land-based casino, you will need to have a good memory to keep track of your string, so you know the amount you need to bet on the next stake after a win/loss.
Ultimately, once you reach a profit, you can step back to the ‘Trigger’ bet!
Quick Facts:
- Each time you lose, increase the bet by 1 level
- Each time you win, reduce the bet by 1 level
- Return to ‘Trigger Bet’ when you make a profit
Variations of the Baccarat Attack Strategy
As this strategy is widely debated on numerous baccarat forums, you will find differences in opinion on how to utilise the bet sizing.
You may also see some people using a non-aggressive system that requires you to return to the ‘Starter’ bet if win during the ‘Retrenchment’ phase or lose during the ‘Attack’ phase. However, if you want to follow Greg Fletcher’s approach, the best way is to let nature take its course, while he does include a few ways to deviate from the strategy in his book and PDF.
Another point worth making is that you could just stick to the ‘Attack’ phase and return to the ‘Trigger’ bet only then just continue with the ‘Attack’ phase once you etch out a win as the system appears so solid. You could even follow the above suggestion and return to the ‘Starter’ phase instead of the ‘Trigger’ and use the sequence again.
However, we must admit the ‘Retrenchment’ phase offers a way to quickly regain your losses using an ever so slightly less aggressive version of the Martingale Strategy.
Quick Facts:
- Widely debated strategy on Baccarat forums
- There is room to play with this strategy
- Some people return to ‘Starter’ instead of ‘Trigger’
- You could solely implement the ‘Attack’ system
Our Verdict
This is a strategy worth testing out. It has so many positive points. The only area we are slightly concerned about is the ‘Retrenchment’ phase.
Like the Martingale, a string of losses can mean your bet sizing becomes astronomical and hits the table minimum. Although these circumstances are rare, if you are an experienced baccarat player, you already know that 9 or 10 losses in a row is not impossible. The other issue is that you could find yourself stuck in the ‘Retrenchment’ phase for quite some time if your first few bets don’t go your way.
As for the ‘Attack’ phase, this is where you need to be to start making money. As with most BTC casino games, where you begin after your first ‘Tigger Bet’ is entirely down to the ‘Baccarat Gods’. Yet, getting to this stage means you are going to make money if you can pull off a string of wins.
In the end, it takes practice to learn a system such as the Baccarat Attack Strategy. And while it does not come without its risks, we have to say, it is arguably one of the most solid baccarat systems we have come across thus far!